Virginia Maternal Health Task Force Environmental Scan April 2024

This report has been prepared for the Virginia Maternal Health Task Force (the task force) by the Virginia Neonatal Perinatal Collaborative (VNPC). Data in this report were collected and analyzed through collaboration of VNPC, Virginia Department of Health (VDH): Office of Family Health, Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association (VHHA), and the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS). The task force is a collaborative of maternal and infant health experts from across Virginia, and they have convened according to the guidelines of the Maternal Health Innovation (MHI) grant. The MHI grant has been awarded through the Maternal Health Learning and Innovation Center (MHLIC) and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). The purpose of the environmental scan is to provide the task force with the most up to date data related to maternal and infant health trends in Virginia to support the task force mission to create a strategic plan for Virginia. See methods for further explanation of procurement and analysis of data. Data are meant to highlight trends spanning all aspects of maternal and infant health from pre pregnancy care to postpartum check ups. This scan has been completed by evaluating quantitative and qualitative data from several sources highlighted in the methods section. Work of the MHI grant and the task force is intended to aim at reducing maternal mortality, and health disparities in Virginia through the support and advising of Urban Baby Beginnings (UBB) Maternal Health HUBs and to renew Virginia Fetal Infant Mortality Review (FIMR).