Help break the stigma.

Learn about substance use disorder (SUD) and how to support those affected.

What we’re doing

Our pregnant and parenting families experiencing the impacts of substance use disorder (SUD) deserve respectful, high-quality care. Help us break the stigma and improve outcomes for mom-baby dyads affected by substance use disorder and neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome.

  • Empower parents impacted by SUD to ask for help and access care

  • Commit to listening to and addressing parents’ concerns without judgment

  • Educate on and support harm reduction practices

Substance abuse disorder can impact any Virginian. The first step is acknowledging the issue and checking our biases at the door.


per 1,000 birth hospitalizations in 2022 involved neonatal abstinence syndrome.


More likely to experience Severe Maternal Morbidity if screened positive for SUD at time of birth.

More ways to explore

Eliminating Bias in the Dyad Care

This implementation science initiative focuses on improving outcomes for moms and babies (dyads) impacted by substance use. Learn more about the VNPC’s EBDC project by clicking below.

How stigma can impact care

Stigmas are negative ideas about a person or group that sets them apart. Stigmas against parents with substance use disorder can impact the kind of healthcare they receive, or limit them from receiving healthcare at all. This can lead to poor health outcomes for parents and their children.

Not one and the same.

It’s a common misconception that substance use is the same as substance use disorder. Learn more about substance use disorder by clicking the button below.

Substance Use

Substance use is the act of using a substance, which might be alcohol or drugs.

Substance use disorder

Substance use disorders occur when someone is using alcohol and/or drugs enough that it causes “clinically significant impairment.” This might look like new or worsening health problems, or losing the ability to carry out responsibilities like going to work or picking up the kids from daycare.

Miracle’s Story

Shared with Miracle’s permission as part of the VNPC Turn the Page project.

A story of resilience in motherhood, childbirth and recovery.